Why Am I the Bad Guy?

So… as predicted… the MIL decided she wanted nothing to do with babysitting Anna Grace when she learned that the little princess has a cough.  So….no knitting group for me, no escape, no nothing.

Anna Grace isn’t pleased either.  When she asked if grandma was still coming I said no and Little Miss replied “Why?  What you do to her?”.


I felt like saying (but I didn’t) that your little infectious self made her run for the hills.  I felt like it…but I refrained.

7 responses

  1. Awww -that’s a major bummer. Does MIL have immune system issues? I know my MIL gets bronchitis GUARANTEED if she gets a cold, and now that she’s had an embolism, she does NOT want bronchitis. So she’s really leery of the germy ones, too, but since we’re in England, it’s not an issue!

  2. My grandmother was like that, always blaming us when she got sick, even when my dad & I washed our hands constantly & stayed a safe distance away – we all shared a house, so it was easy to catch something. To be fair, she did get sicker than we did but she always made an obnoxious production out of it.

  3. My father affectionately (?) refers to my kids as germbags.
    At least your in-laws are in the same town and available for babysitting!

  4. A fellow at work refers to all children as the “little plague carriers”. He gets sick whenever he’s around his sister’s kids. I’m sorry you missed out on your knitting group and all, and kudos to you for not letting Anna Grace get your goat, and snapping back at her. You’re a good mom!!

  5. I stopped by with Syd just to drop off the key. Daddy is in LA and I couldn’t find a sitter either. It is always such a bummer to miss Monday night knitting too!

  6. Because you’re the mom aka “the bad guy”. Get used to it! I tell my kids, “It’s my job…and I take great pride in my work!!” :)

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