Well, That Was Fun


Yesterday Anna Grace took her nap. She still had a runny nose and cough but all seemed well.  She woke up and said she had a "boo boo" in her ear.  Fever through the roof.  Sunday afternoon.  We went to Night Lite.

Here in the Orlando area they have an Urgent Care center that is just for kids called Night Lite Pediatrics.  When I was still working it made my life much easier.  When I was on call I could send families there instead of making them wait in the E.R. and such.  It’s a wonderful service.

Anyway, I take AG over there about dinner time.  We’re hangin’ out in the exam room etc and my phone rings.  Its’ the BFF.  She asks "what room are you in?".  Turns out the BFF is in the same joint with Noah. She saw my car outside and figured she’d just say hi.   Noah and Anna Grace were blessed with identical sickies, they shared a little diagnosis of having an ear infection and we all went to party together at the Walgreen’s counter to get our prescriptions.

They way they think…

Yesterday when we were heading to the doctor AG got a bit hysterical over this.  I thought she was upset because a few months back she had a bunch of lab work done.  I kept saying that she wasn’t getting a boo boo on her arm, it would be okay, etc.  No luck.

We get to the urgent care center and AG and I are having a talk about life and such.  She starts talking about Lily (as in Lily the cat that just died).  Now she talks about Lily a lot.  Lily and her were buddies.  I’ve explained that Lily can’t come home, that she went to heaven and once I actually said she died. Anna Grace will say that Lily died but I don’t think she knows what that means.

Anyway over the past weeks Anna Grace has talked about the fact that Lily had a "sword on her belly" (that’s Anna Grace speak for "a sore on her belly"), that she went to the doctor, that Lily can’t come home and then sometimes she will tell you that Lily died.

Fast forward to last night and our conversation in the waiting room:

AG: Mommy not going home
Me: Yep… Mommy’s staying here.
AG:  Anna Grace is at the doctor
ME: Yep
AG:  Where’s Lily?  Lily is at the doctor.
AG:  Lily has a sword on her belly
AG:  Anna Grace get a sword?
ME:  No, Anna Grace doesn’t get a sore.  Lily was very sick.  Anna Grace just needs medicine.
AG:  Lily at the doctor.  Lily died.  Anna Grace is at the doctor.   Anna Grace died?

And then I got it.  I understood what all the hysterics were about when we left the house.  Anna Grace thought we were taking her to the doctor, we were leaving her there, she would get a big sore on her belly and then she would die/wouldn’t be able to come back home.

We quickly explained that this was not the case.  Explained that Anna Grace was coming home with us and she then calmed down.  I knew she was having trouble understanding everything that had happened with Lily.  I had no idea that she had processed the information in the way that she had.

On a lighter note…..

Regarding yesterday’s contest…..I am taller than Dana but just by a smidge.  When we married I was a 1/4 inch taller but not anymore.  Either I’m stooping more (probably) or that family history of Osteoporosis is catching up with me. Either way I’m shrinking just a tad.

So who won?

Britt did!

Okay…. one more.  The last contest relating to Dana’s birthday. 

Here’s the question.  Put on your thinking caps and this one might cause you to reveal your age.

In the late 1970’s (maybe as late as 1980) Dana’s brother gave him a gift.  It was an album.  A double album set.  When Dana was a senior in high school and entering college this became his favorite rock album.  What was the name of the album and group?

As a hint…. the group later broke up.  But in the past year or two they did some reunion concerts together. 

Leave a comment naming the group and the album.  I’ll draw a name from the correct responses.  Winner gets a skein of Smooshy Sock in the in-stock colorway of their choice.

Happy 2008 y’all!!!!


Edited to add:  Just looked it up.  The album we’re talking about was released in 1979. 

33 responses

  1. I’m also in with the Eagles. However, since no one has mentioned the album name, I’m going to e-mail my answer in case that’s what you wanted like the Ringtone contest.

    I KNOW the right answer, and if it isn’t Dana’s answer then he’s wrong :-) And everyone in my household from that era will know the answer too!

    Happy New Year to all and I’m sure this is a year when Anna Grace will make enormous strides.

  2. Well, I’m following Elaine’s lead. Yes it’s the Eagles and I’ll e-mail my album choice.

    Happy New Year all! And thanks for all the fun these contests have provided.

  3. I think it’s the Eagles, afterall, who am I to disagree with everyone. I think they even have a new album out or coming out.

    I guess that we’re supposed to e-mail the album name? Whatever.

  4. Elaine… I too love that album. But that is not the album of my husband’s fond high school/college memories. Nope… his album was a little less mainstream. Just sayin’.

  5. This is hard …. I emailed you to see if I can guess twice. Another guess is Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk. But my number 1 guess is who I emailed you.

  6. I’m sure this goes against the spirit of secrecy and competition… 😉

    I’m going to try to be helpful by saying the Clash have not done any reunion tours in the last few years since Joe Strummer died in 2002.

    I’m still thinking about my guess.

  7. I’ll go with Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk. That was a double album, during the right period and kinda not everyone’s cup of tea. Am I getting closer?

  8. OoooOOO I am so excited! Unfortunately though my google fu might find that well enough I know it was before my time so I will let someone else figure that one out 😀
    I completely understand AG’s fear. When I was little I had a similar freak out, but you seem to have figured it out well before my parents did (no harm though, they eventually got it). Have a great New Year!

  9. Being the Google queen, I now am also leaning towards Fleetwood Mac Tusk. 1979, double album, and called quirky in Wikipedia.

    How are we doing now?

  10. Being the Google queen, I now am also leaning towards Fleetwood Mac Tusk. 1979, double album, and called quirky in Wikipedia.

    How are we doing now?

    Nice way to spend New Year’s eve, right?

  11. Being a lemming, I’ll go with the latest group of guesses.

    Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk. Wow do we need to get a life!

    I hope AG is feeling much better and happy new year.

  12. hummmmm I was going to say Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffiti….but that was 75.

    I’ll go with Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk…although their greatest hits album is AWESOME.

  13. Thought I’d check in here right under the wire – before going out to see the fireworks. Well, it’s good that I waited and found out that it wasn’t the Eagles.

    So it’s Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk.

  14. Some of you are right. Some of you….not so much. :-)

    But we’re having a lot of fun reading all of the comments. That and working on the shop have been our “big” New Year’s Eve plans. (Yep…we’re lame).

    Happy 2008 y’all.

  15. Kids get such strange ideas don’t they? Glad you were able to disillusion her, poor kid worrying about abandonment.

    I am going to go for Pink Floyd’s The Wall. Though it was a bit scary to realise it was released that long ago!

    I never win contests but enjoy taking part so thank you so much for running these.

    Happy 2008 to you all

  16. They took my answer… Pink Floyd, “The Wall”. I only say this because my son who is 17 has it on CD and his IPOD. It also plays on the radio all the time. He was horrified to learn that his old mom has the double album upstairs in our attic AND it is in vinyl. NOt cool when you are a teenager and listening to what your mom did at the same age.

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