
Today’s post is a bit of a milestone.  This is my 500th post.  That’s a bit hard for me to fathom.  I don’t have anything spectacular or amazing to write. Just random thoughts on fiber and knitting and life events… maybe a question or two for the universe….

My WooLee Winder arrived this week and I’m madly in love with the little thing.  Since learning to spin the whole stop and start thing of winding the fiber onto the bobbin has made me crazy.  What I didn’t realize is how much it slowed me down.  I sat down today and spun some Merino fiber and was just flying along.  I didn’t realize how much time is lost by constantly moving that little clip thing.

Also… I don’t know if it is coincidence or what but… I’ve tried several times to spin this merino and it was always a huge failure.  Maybe I just "got it" all of a sudden or maybe the fact that I’m not stopping constantly is helping to maintain the twist on the fiber.  Who knows but I was finally able to spin the merino I bought a while back.


Here’s the merino roving I bought several months back.


Here it is on the bobbin… and a nice shot of my handy, dandy WooLee Winder.

I have a finished object to display.  I finished the knitting on this quite a while ago but hadn’t done the felting portion.  It is another kitty pi.


  I used Noro Kuryeon (sp?) and the pattern by Wendy.  So far none of the fab four felines has slept in it but Chloe enjoys sitting on it. 

We’ve had some excitement this week.  In the past few months Anna Grace has had a new Occupational Therapist.  She is a very nice lady but had a drastically different style than the previous therapist.  The new one worked almost exclusively with gross motor skills and almost did nothing with AG’s fine motor skills (which is her area of need).  Anyway, the OT calls here on Monday and leaves a message on the machine stating she’ll have to cancel AG’s PT session for the next day because there isn’t another PT to take her place at some meeting.  My blood ran cold.  That woman just said PT not once but twice.

Turns out our new OT is a PT and nobody notified us.  In addition, there are no physician orders for PT.  Her IFSP (it’s like a contract consisting of goals and services to be provided) says OT and no where does it say PT.  This also explains why the gross motor skills have been the focus and not the fine motor skills.

We talked to our resource coordinator.  She had never been notified that our therapists had changed.  Seems the therapists themselves all worked out this little switcheroo because it worked for their schedules but no one told us.  We think the PT also had no idea that we were unaware that she wasn’t an OT.

So, we had a meeting of the minds today.  Many apologies were made.  We think most of them were sincere.  AG will return to OT this week… with yet another new therapist.  We also asked for retroactive OT services to cover the time that she went without and to regain the skills she lost.  It was a bit of a debate but she’ll get an extra day of OT for the next 4 to 8 weeks.

One crisis down…. 457 left to go.

Where’s my August?
Since August 1st, it has been quite clear why folks in this state can’t wait for August to arrive.  It has been in the low 70’s and sunny.  I thought "Hey, I could get used to this!".  Then it went away.  I was left with clouds and rain.  Today I actually spent much of the day wearing a coat.  So, people of Washington… Where’s the rest of my August?  Who do I need to write to get my August returned to me?  Weather wonks claim August will be returning tomorrow.  Do you think they’re right?  They’re usually only right if they tell you it’s going to rain so I have doubts since they said it would be sunny.

Final Words
As in new words… Anna Grace’s new words.  AG has been gaining a lot of vocabulary lately. She’s also starting to use two word sentences more and more.  Now, that said, because of the apraxia her articulation isn’t great and sometimes these kids almost make up their own language.  But, I celebrate each new word none the less.  Here’s some examples of her newest words and her version of the word.

Ladybug:  ba dee ba da
Spider:  spy yer
Hair:  Hiyah
Dragonfly: slysly
Bunny: buh
Alright!: Awlwiiiiii!
Bed:  beddah
Elephant: elbie
Elmo:  Elma

One last AG phrase….

Goodnight:  nigh nigh

3 responses

  1. Every parent deserves to celebrate what THEY feel is important. Someday, those made-up words will be nothing but a memory. ;o) Keep fighting. (like you need us to tell you that!)

    Your spinning is beautiful. Amazing how much the colors seem to change once the roving is spun.

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