Gettin’ Twitty

I arrived home late yesterday afternoon.  We leave again in the morning.  Trip to Atlanta was a lot of fun.  There was….

Time to visit with my dad and his S.O.

AG and her grandpa had a great time and AG fell in love with grandpa’s S.O.
Time to see my sister (as in sister who flew helcopters in Iraq….that sister)
AG got to meet her aunt for the first time.
AG and Aunt really seemed to hit it off.

We had a really good time.  And now we’re home and have one day to unpack, wash clothes, re-pack.

Tomorrow we leave for Washington.

I think the stress of the house not selling, managing everything, juggling finances, the holidays, the house then quickly selling, preparing for the move and all the associated running around has started to get to me.  While I think I’m managing all of this fairly well and doing a good job of handling all things hectic, that tell tale sign appeared yesterday.  The one that has appeared many times before and that I’ve discussed with you, dear readers.  I denied it at first but the evidence this morning left no further room for denial.

My hair is falling out again. 

I had a fistful come out yesterday morning and you should have seen the bathtub after this morning’s shower.  Thankfully, as in times past, it seems to be falling out all over not just in one spot.  So…. not as noticeable.  Hopefully we won’t get the delightful little recessed hairline that we developed with The Great Fallout of ’01. That was the I just finished graduate school and took a job I thought I’d love but was placed in an awful setting with a bunch of monkey headed morons and they are all going to kill me or cause me to lose my license fall out session.

Oh well.  Bald is probably easier to maintain.

Moving on….

Still working on the FBS….. lace knitting is so much nicer when you’re using sock yarn.  Just sayin’.


Not much to see but there’s your proof. Four repeats done, twelve to go.

Today I started a sock.  A sock on  dpn’s, can’t find my size 2 circs so I didn’t go the 2 socks on 2 circs route.


(Yes I know I’m not free skeining.  This sock is going on an airplane trip tomorrow.  Free skeining would be suicide.)

On Ravelry there is a group called the Sock Knitter’s Anonymous group and each month they have a little sock-a-long.  Different patterns qualify.  Well this month you can either knit an intarsia mystery pattern or you can knit a pattern by Cookie A.  I chose Cookie.

There is a pattern I’ve been wanting to knit but couldn’t pronounce it so I refused.  Its Pomatomus , heretofore referred to as hippopatomus, ‘kay? I can say that.  Maybe we could even call them "hippo" for short.  Anyway, the photo doesn’t show the color depth but I’m loving the colors.  This yarn is Sea Coast Handpainted in the color Blue Spruce. 

I’m excited about participating in the SKA sockdown for January, I’m excited about knitting this pattern and I’m excited about the colors.  Lots of excitement.  Maybe I should back off of the excitement.  This could lead to more shedding.

Moving on again….

So there’s the twittiness of my hair falling out….again.  And then there is just my general twittiness.  I keep asking myself and Dana…

When the movers arrive with our stuff, how fast do you think I can unpack all the boxes?
When the movers arrive with our stuff is it unreasonable to think I could have the entire house unpacked and set up in 48 hours?
When the movers arrive with our stuff, would you think I was crazy if I stayed up all night unpacking?
When the movers arrive with our stuff, etc etc etc

Can ya tell I’m a wee tired of being in limbo land?  The closer we get, the more anxious I get.  The more anxious I get, the more twitty I get.  The twittier I get, the more snarky I get.   

I think I may need to take a little lie down and regroup.

Toodles, y’all.  I’ll try to post while we’re gone but internet access will be sketchy at best.  Have a great week. 

10 responses

  1. So sorry to hear about your hair! At least you can knit to cover your head. ;-D I have a friend who lost all her hair in college when her mom disowned her. She wore wigs for years, but her hair eventually came back in.

  2. Sorry to hear that your hair is falling out! (But in the interest of full disclosure…I’m kinda glad to hear that I’m not the only one who has that happen! Back when we/I was planning my wedding, a lot of my hair fell out too! The most annoying part was how it kept clogging up the shower drain!!)

  3. You crack me up!
    The skein of yarn arrived and I love it, thanks for the bonus tea…love that too!
    Just remember life is not a race, take time to enjoy yourself!

  4. Hey! I enjoyed your post, but the hair situation is scary.

    If you guys can afford it, hire someone to help you unpack and/or move your stuff around until it’s just so. I would go so far as to post a question for it on yahoo answers and see if you can get some help with it. That would help take some of the stress off.

  5. When my hair fell out during a stressfull time in my life (working full time, going to school full time AND divorcing my not-so-DH) vitamins in mega doses brought all back better than before. Try to relax (selling & buying & moving to new houses is more stressfull than you think it is while you’re going through it) and good luck.

  6. When my hair fell out during a stressfull time in my life (working full time, going to school full time AND divorcing my not-so-DH) vitamins in mega doses brought all back better than before. Try to relax (selling & buying & moving to new houses is more stressfull than you think it is while you’re going through it) and good luck.

  7. I’m so sorry to hear about your hair. I am like the friend that Meghann mentioned. When I get stressed, I develope a bad case of eczema. It starts on my hands and feet and then spreads. The conundrum is that knitting sometimes aggravates it (on my hands) but is also the thing that helps me relax and therefore helps it. I just get very picky about the fiber that I use and that seems to help. All of your changes have probably been more stressful than you even realized…try to take care of yourself.

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