
I’m dazed and scatter brained.  Many of you will say that this just describes my normal state of mind.  And to you I say "meh"!

How about a list?  It is probably your only hope of getting any sort of a lucid post.

1.  We went to Washington and arrived to find our house buried under this pretty white stuff.



2. Anna Grace found renewed interest in all of the toys that we had left behind.  She was just getting to know each of them again when the movers boxed them up and buried them on the moving truck.  Anna Grace wasn’t pleased.

3. Anna Grace did not really understand that her mother and the movers were buried under a mountain of work.  This got a bit interesting at times.  Here’s AG spending some quality time among the suitcases while momma tries to get the floors cleaned.


4. The anxiety and stress started to get to me and I added gritting my teeth 24/7 to my hair shedding issues.  I just wanted to bury my head and make the world stop spinning.  Doing better now.  Mostly.

5. Went to Starbucks to my knitting group.  Had a great time burying my to-do list/worries and just spending time with friends.  Got to see Lorette…. woo hoo.

6. Dana had a hard time communicating with AG and me in the evening hours because we were still on Florida time and each of us had our head buried in our pillows, were sound asleep and were deep into a coma by about 9 every night.

7. Got home Saturday night.  Found stacks of mail, lots of emails and such and felt ourselves a wee bit buried under a pile of stuff.  Stuff as in the "Tyranny of the Urgent."  Ugh!

8. But then we found some of the stuff we were buried under was very cool stuff. As in yarns, wonderful and fabulous yarns.  And if you have to buried in work…. what could be better than having that "work" be….ahem….yarn!!????!!!!  We’re working as fast as we can to get things listed in the yarn shop.

9. We’re trying to get all the yarn listed prior to the moving truck arriving. That truck is due on Saturday and we figure that once it arrives… then we’ll really be buried.  So…. no time to delay.  Must. List. Yarn. Now.

10.   I checked out the books on Volumetrics from the library.  Our library has a thing where you can check out a book on line and they will mail them to you.  Whoot!  Since my butt has reach astronomical proportions, I’d really like to bury my nose in that book (or maybe in a pineapple upside down cake… but that may be how we got in this predicament.  Just sayin’.).  No time now, maybe later.

Well, must go.  Must. List. Yarn.

Toodles, Y’all!!!!!

10 responses

  1. Kris,
    hello, i have had you all on my mind…last time we emailed one another was 9/2007. i looked at your website from September-January 2007. your humor is so funny…everything i read was interesing with your humor in it…and i loved the pictures. CCSH has been busy, we are going to two services in February, i’m not sure if i like the idea…but they say change is good. i will go with that. my daughter had her 3rd son “christian” he was born 11/13/2007, to me he looks like her when she was a baby, we also found out in the last week or two that her middle son ahs a mild case of autism and 2 forms of the worst case ADHD…she’s always said something was wrong,now
    she feels like her concerns will real and in away she is glad there is a name for it…i just hope she does as much as i read
    you have done to help AG…she’s so young (23) and sometimes still thinks it will all fix itself…anyways we just moved to Sumner, ricks job is good…we are doing much better. haven’t seen Dana at church, that must mean his work is now all in Florida. my son Elisha turned 15 and my older son Isaac just turned 19…so weird, i still see them as my babies and they aren’t…Did you all sale that house? email me sometime.
    Jesus Bless,

  2. I’ll be praying for you this weekend that you can work with boundless energy, that AG will be completely occupied doing her own thing, and that all will go smoothly. Get yourself a Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks–it keeps you going all day long, all day strong.

  3. I think being buried in yarn type work would be wonderful. I wouldn’t even mind being buried in a little of that snow too.
    Hope everything goes smoothly.

  4. 1. WOW I missed all the contests! Ah well. Happy birthday Dana!

    2. Oh no, I totally missed out on meeting you guys while you were here! Well, I’ll be watching your blog now, so no more of that. =P

    3. AG is so sweet.

    4. Mmm, new yarn…

  5. Oh, hon…I know the extreme stress this all produces..(beleive me-have done it many times) way to go getting a little time with the knitting group! I’m so glad you shared your list (as I always am) Safe travels!

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