8 responses

  1. When we had our very large dog, Ernie, I left two beautiful Delmonico steaks out on the counter to defrost. When it was time to grill them, Hubby says to me “What did you do with the steaks?” Fast forward three months, change steaks to chicken and spinach sausages and as you would say “rinse and repeat” It was funny the first time Ernie ate our dinner, not so much the second time.
    When I was a kid and we had a houseful of guests for Thanksgiving dinner, my mother left a huge cooked turkey on the kitchen counter while we were eating the appetizer portion of the meal in the dining room. I don’t remember much of that day except hearing my mother screaming at the top of her lungs upon finding the dog smacking his lips and belching. So you think I would have learned the lesson of NEVER leaving food out where the dog can get it!!!

  2. Dogs have absolutely no conscience, that’s why. Riley and Lewey say, “Nicely done!”

    My favorite pet thing is finding little cat lick prints in the butter on the counter. Will I never learn to cover it up?

  3. Last week my mom made two loaves. She was slicing one and I said, “If you leave that bread on the counter, the dog will eat it.” Yep.

    Now we keep the bread in the microwave while it cools off.

  4. Oh no! Sounds like you need somewhere higher to store unwrapped food! (Didn’t he also do this with a cake recently?) I’m so glad I have a short, lazy dog. He wants what’s on the counter, but doesn’t care to jump higher than onto the couch.

  5. In the first summer my husband and I were married, my dog ate seven (7!) loaves of banana bread before I finally learned to put them in the microwave above the stove to cool.

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