What’s Going On This Wednesday?


1.  I frogged the pair of stockinette socks that I told you about and instead I learned how to do a toe-up cast on.  LOVE IT!  Why did I learn this?  Well….to make these, of course!

2.  I have been working in the kitchen and stocking up the freezer.  I love the concept of once a month cooking but can’t do a marthon day like that.  Instead, I work for an hour here or an hour there and I can get about 10 – 20 meals put up in that short period of time.


Some of the meals all ready for the freezer.


I worked over the weekend and then again on Monday.  End result: 34 meals prepared.

3.  I got the spinning wheel out and started working a little bit.  I haven’t been able to spin in months so this was very fun.  Pictures later.

4.  This week for Five in a Row we’re reading The Tale of Peter Rabbit.  One of FIAR’s projects was to plan a garden.  Instead, I had Anna Grace help me with another one of my crazy garden ideas: planting potatoes in a container.


Dana, Anna Grace (and her Peter Rabbit ears) and the potato container


You can do this with tires but I didn’t have any tires and thought that tires would look uglier than necessary.  You put some dirt in a container, then seed potatoes, then enough dirt to just cover seed potatoes.  When vines start to appear, add more dirt.


Seed Potatoes

You do this over and over again (if you’re using tires, you add another tire each time) until you fill your container or your tower of tires is too tall to manage.  The taller your container/tower of tires, the more potatoes you’ll get….supposedly.  At least…that’s the theory.

5. Dana’s Job: What job?  There’s no change with this and many leads have dried up.  This topic is a bit discouraging and just not any fun to talk about.  Such is life.

6. Dr. Who…I’m addicted and now I’ve gotten Dana hooked on it too.

7. The upside down tomato plants are doing really well.  We have new blossoms and actual tomatoes in process.  Woo Hoo.

8. I had to have my first mini “birds and the bees” discussion with Anna Grace the other day.  She had questions, I tried my usual avoidance tactics and they didn’t work.  So, did a short and sweet explanation and I think it took about 7 years off of my life.

9. We’re going to have a shipping delay in the shop this week.  Anything ordered after 4 (eastern time) on Thursday will be mailed on Monday morning.  We’re leaving Friday morning to go to my cousin’s funeral and won’t be back until late on Saturday.

10. Read this week that you can add aspirin to the water you put on your veggies and it will deter bugs….and it’s considered organic by some…. who knew!!  Haven’t tried it but was just kinda fascinated by the idea.

Well, that concludes the enormous amount of excitement that we’re having around here.  What’s going on at your house???

3 responses

  1. Kris, I cast on those socks on Saturday night, got all the way to the lace leg by Tuesday, and thought I’d made a mistake. Tried to tink, but couldn’t find my way back, so I frogged back to the toes and now am up to row 23 of the foot pattern. It goes a lot faster the second time, but the thing is, there are errata (check out the Knitty socks thread on ravelry). Had I known that, I may not have ripped back. The heel thing-y is a little dicey, and now I think I know how to do it. Are you coming to knitting on Monday? I may need a little assistance (or a lot). And I can’t remember all the errata “fixes” and they’re not on Knitty.

  2. I want to try the potato thing. Where did you get seed potatoes? Did you just use some from the grocery or something? Husbands w/o jobs are no fun, though yours seems happier than mine :-/ Keep me updated on the socks and potatoes!

  3. The seed potato thing sounds very cool! I’ll be watching that progress with interest. I’ll second that question: where do baby seed potatoes come from? (not trying to take more years off your life with this, but I couldn’t resist!)

    How do you manage to cook so many meals at a time? I can barely keep up with the nightly meal. I’m very impressed.

    Hope Dana has some luck soon – hugs!

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