Vacation Part II

Anna Grace and I spent our days trying to stay dry for much of the week.  But, when in Washington, you don’t have the luxury of waiting for “proper” weather.  So, many of our adventures had to take place in the rain and fog. This included a trip to Vashon Island.

For the non-Washington folks… Vashon Island is in the middle of Puget Sound.  It is a short ferry ride from Seattle and it has a reputation of being filled with hippies and such.  I don’t think that is exactly accurate.  I think it is more accurate to say that it is an island that has survived without being taken over by developers and its residents are, in the truest sense, homesteaders.

I wish I could have spent more time there but Anna Grace was not interested in the slightest.  But I was having a blast seeing the 1920’s craftsman architecture everywhere, observing beautiful yards that were filled with edible landscape, etc.  I wish I could have spent more time there just exploring.

One thing we had planned was to see the lighthouse…. because y’all know I can’t pass by a waterfall or a lighthouse without taking pictures!


Point Robinson Lighthouse


Another adventure we had while in Washington was taking in the Puyallup fair…in the rain.  In what was, for Washington, a heavy rain.  That wouldn’t end!


Milking the Fake Cow


Dana took Anna Grace into this exhibit and taught her the finer points of milking a cow.  His dad would be so proud to know that Dana actually remembers a smidge of that dairy farm life.

In addition to animals…there were rides….


Anna Grace on the Ferris Wheel



Anna Grace Goin’ for a Drive


There was also delightful weather….




….and Storm Troopers


Anna Grace…. A Bit Confused 


Finally…there was the Mutton Bustin’.

Mutton Bustin’ is where kids, age 6 and younger, are all geared up and stuck on the top of a sheep.  Whoever holds on the longest wins a silver belt buckle.  Think…bull riding for the preschool set.  Well…. that seemed too good to pass up.  So I registered Anna Grace.

(Warning… bad photography up ahead)


Anna Grace….Cuttin’ Bait!


Anna Grace got all geared up: hat, vest, the works.  She even sat on the sheep.  But when they asked her to lay forward and hold on, she refused.  Thus ending her Mutton Bustin’ career.  I, as the redneck version of a stage mom, was disappointed but not surprised.  Maybe next year.

And that pretty much sums up our trip.  Dana worked, Anna Grace and I played and we all got soaking wet at the fair.

We returned home last evening…. to a dead battery in our car.  But, we got it fixed and all’s well that ends well.  We spent the evening celebrating Hampy’s birthday and just relaxing with friends.  Good to be home.

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