I have been at TNNA for the past several days. Arrived home last night and I think I may be able to organize my thoughts enough for a post.

I’m very glad I went but I was also very negligent when it came to taking photos. And some of the photos I actually did take I lost somewhere on the new laptop. Such is life.

Overall I think making the trek to Columbus was a big success. It was a great move for the shop and wait until you see some of the wonderful yarns that we’ll be adding in the upcoming weeks.

So….here’s a brief (and at times…photo-less) review of the what happened.

1. I met up with Jessica and got to spend some time with her which was great fun and lots of laughs.


Jessica of Rose-Kim Knits

2. I met Jess, Casey & Mary-Heather of Ravelry fame and had a nice chat with them one evening when a large group of folks went to Tip Tap or Top Tip or Tap Top…or whatever that place was called! While there I met Annie Modesitt (knitting designer and teacher) and chatted with her for a little bit as well. Very fun.

3. Got to meet the Nancy & Veronica with Dream in Color. It was nice to be able to meet them in person.

4. Saw many Ravelry folks.

5. Bought some wonderful new yarns.

6. Discovered there is a huge conspiracy against Diet Coke in the city of Columbus. Dana tried to tell me that it is just a northern thing. I told him that if I had to drink one more Diet stinkin’, nasty, backwoods Pepsi that I just might choke on it.

7. TNNA fashion show….. interesting.

8. Went on a wild goose chase for what was supposed to be a delightful stroll of about three blocks. Sixteen blocks later I passed this:


The state capital.

The statue is of Ohio native son, President McKinley….minus the gunshot wound, of course.


9. Columbus, Ohio = Hotter than Hades.

10. Central Florida = not as hot as Columbus.

11. Met the dyer behind Spritely Goods and enjoyed getting to know her and sharing ideas.

12. I missed my little girl and I was just thrilled to see her when I arrived home safe and sound.

Overall it was a wonderful trip, very productive and I can’t wait to show you some of the new lines that were added to the shop.

5 responses

  1. There was something up with the Diet Coke. I could get it in my hotel though which was a plus. But on the plane they handed me a can that I thought was Diet Coke. I opened it, took a sip. Something was funny. I looked at the can and it was Diet Coke Light from Germany! Really strange.

  2. I’m so bummed to have missed a chance to see you LIVE AND IN PERSON! With all that is going on here, I completely forgot about TNNA. Darn it! There are very few folks in blogland I really would give my right hand to meet and you are on that list. Maybe another time.

    As for Diet Coke, it is usually only found at the grocery stores, not on menus here in BUCKEYE-land. Years ago, I was an avid Coca-Cola lover but somewhere along the line I converted to Pepsi and there is no going back now. The girls love Coke…we sure get the strange looks at the check-out lines with both in the cart.

    It is still hotter than Hades here. Well, maybe 10 degrees cooler than Hades at the moment. But far too hot for early June by any account. Glad you are home with AG where it is cooler. ;o)

  3. Man, after all the reviews I’ve been reading about the TNNA, I wish I could go! And let me tell you, it must have been a Columbus thing, as Coke and Diet Coke are quite plentiful in my part of NJ with no question about it! It’s a lot harder to find Pepsi in most public places. I think the only place that I find it prevalent is the KFC/Taco Bell/Pizza Hut chains around here. And I just suck it up– no pun intended– because it’s either that, or plain Pepsi, which I think is worse than Diet. Gimme Diet Coke anytime.

  4. I’m so glad you got to go and had such a great time! And YO…don’t be hatin on the Diet Pepsi…this “backwoods” Florida native LOVES it… :)

  5. Aw, now you made me homesick for Columbus! Native Ohioan here, now living in VA. I was a diet Coke drinker when I lived there and never had trouble getting it, but I’ve been gone almost 10 yrs. now–maybe things have changed?

    How do you like our dome-less state Capitol? Always looked to me like they forgot to finish building the top….

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