Status Report

Well, that absence was a bit longer than I had planned.  No real reason, it just happened.

Life here at Casa Wannabe is rolling along.  Here’s a little update.

What’s the status with the Apraxia?

We’re having lots of progress in the area of Apraxia.  Anna Grace’s language has made a lot of improvements in recent weeks and her articulation is starting to improve.  This helps her intelligibility.  As far as her fine motor and gross motor skills, they have improved a lot as well.  We’re actually at a point that once we move we will be able to stop occupational therapy for a little while.  We’ll need to get her involved in swimming or something similar instead of the O.T. but this is still a big improvement.

Overall, I think Anna Grace will need the speech therapy for at least 4 or 5 more years.  I hope I’m wrong in that assessment but right now that’s my estimate.  The global portion of the apraxia affects her focus and the way she processes information so, it could end up causing problems when she starts school.  I’m hoping that doesn’t happen.

Have we sold the house?

Nope.  I hate selling houses.  Hatehatehatehate.

End of story.

What’s the status with the potty training?

The child has started going on the potty while she’s at preschool.  She WILL NOT do this at home.  Its a conspiracy.

What’s happening with the skirt idea?

Well, I thought I had it figured out.  Initially I tried to go from the bottom up but then I ended up having to rip it out for unrelated reasons (I, in a moment of brilliance, didn’t have my stitches untwisted prior to joining them in the round.  Didn’t discover this until I had knit 4 inches on 400 stitches.  Refused to cast on 400 stitches again.  Absolutely. refused.)

After the above mentioned mishap I formulated a new plan that is working so-so.  Usually for a ruffle you cast on double the needed stitches then when it is at the desired length you k2tog throughout.   So taking this idea in reverse I could take the number of stitches needed for the waist and just double it for the first ruffle, double it again for ruffle 2, then double that number for ruffle 3.  Here’s the problem:  I have 100 stitches for the waist so with the above formula ruffle #3 would be up to 800 stitches.  Can you say "ain’t no way I’m doin’ that!"?

So my new plan was to increase the stitches by 50% at each ruffle.  It’s not as fluffy as I would like.  I think I’ll have to wait to see the finished product before I give my final verdict.  Here are some photos:


(ignore the less-than-stellar hair style)


Ruffle #3 will be the purple again.  This is all being done with 100% cotton.  Which, by the way, I thought that knitting this would kill my hands.  Not so.  Haven’t noticed a difference.

What’s the status with the "summer" and rain and such?

Summer still has not officially arrived to Washington state.  It was in the 40’s and raining like crazy on Sunday.  I’m still bundled up on most days although these past 2 days have been rather nice.   We have actually had 2 whole days of beautiful, glorious, astounding, amazing, God given sunlight.  Can I get an Amen?

We’re supposed to return to our previously scheduled never ending rain tomorrow. Lovely.

How is life after FPS?

Life after I quit the Forest Path Stole is perfect and I actually started a new lace project.   And I am loving every minute of it .(Never said that about any previous lace project.  Must be gettin’ the knack of this lace thing.)

I had some Blue Heron Egyptian Cotton in the stash that I bought last year on vacation.  It is the colorway called "Dusk".  Anyway, I wound it all up and now I’m knitting the Sun Ray Shawl.   Here’s a  progress shot.


This is after 1.5 trips through the chart repeats.  I’ll try to post a better photo when I get a bit father along.  That shouldn’t take too long.  I’m having a hard time putting this project down. It is so. much. fun.

Well, that about takes care of the status report.  Time to return to the knitting.


3 responses

  1. Summer in Western Washington officially starts July 9th. Sorry, good weather in May is only a teaser. But July through September will be wonderful. Can you stay? :)

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