Random Thoughts

1.  The sun was still out today if you count that partly cloudy hazy stuff as actual sunlight.  Beggers can’t be choosers I suppose.

2.  What do you do if you run an online business, need to do some work, have to do household things as well but you also have a preschooler who just won’t let you get a darned thing done?  Well, you do anything in your power to distract them.  Anything. 

Today’s version of "anything"?


Allowing the preschooler to color my left arm and hand while I use my right arm to actually get some work done.  Whatever works!

3. Zen Yarn Garden has arrived and it is now up in the yarn shop.  The colors are beautiful and I’m having a real hard time keeping my hands off of them.

4.  Dana has made an observation about all the yarns and the names of their colorways.  He’s been complaining commenting that the names are getting longer and they don’t make sense to him.  He has some suggestions.

Instead of calling a yarn Saturday Sky Over the Artic Tundra… Dana would like to suggest the name "Blue".
Instead of Evergreen Forrest of the Emerald City… Dana thinks it would sell better if it were named "Green."
And instead of calling a yarn Southeastern Saffron Sunbreak, Dana thinks "Yellow" would work much better.

I don’t agree.

5. This reminds me of an incident that occurred not long after we got married. 

I have a fondness for Periwinkle Blue.  I used the descriptions "a beautiful periwinkle", a "soft periwinkle" and a "muted periwinkle" in a sentence and Dana just nodded and agreed.  Until one day when I asked him to go and pick something up in shades of periwinkle (I think I was sending him after paint chips).  He came back with many examples but when I informed him that he didn’t get periwinkle he let loose.  I was quickly informed that he had no idea what the heck periwinkle was but if I wanted "blue" he had gotten plenty of "blue" thankyouverymuch and he never wanted to hear the word periwinkle again as long as he lived.

6. I (in a very rare moment) took some advice my mother gave me.  She thought that since stepsister’s daughter finally started going on the potty because she didn’t want to mess up her "pretty panties" (yes I know the weirdos are going to come here over that statement) that I should give it a try. I had been telling AG that if she went pee pee on the potty then she could wear these pretty panties that I bought her.  Mom suggested that instead of holding out the Elmo undies like the golden chalice that maybe I should put them on her and see if she’d just "keep ’em clean".

The result?  Mixed.

The child did not go pee pee on the potty.  But, for many hours she also didn’t go pee pee in her pants either.  She was holdin’ it in with all she had until she just couldn’t take it anymore and she burst. 

On the floor. 

Not in the potty.

No more advice from mom.

7.  The shawl is cruising along and it is still mucho fun.  I have finished 2 trips through the chart, several more to go.

8. I’ll pay big bucks to never hear the words  Paris and Hilton ever used together in a sentence again.  Big. Freakin’. Bucks.

9.  Placed orders with Yarntini and Chewy Spaghetti.  Can’t wait for them to arrive.  (Wait till Dana sees the names of those colors!  Hehhehheh.)

10.  My daughter is getting too big for her britches.  She was asking to get out of the car (repeatedly asking… seeing how quickly she can send me over the brink if she asks the same question over and over, back to back, about 20 times in 90 seconds).  I told her to chill out for a second and I’d get her out.  I go over and undo her car seat buckle and now she’s taking her own sweet time to get out of the car.  I kindly suggested that she  pick up the pace just a bit and the child looked right at me and told me to "chill".  (!!!!!!) (yes, I know… I’m the one who wanted her to start talking. I do see the irony. Trust me.)

It’s late. Must go.


4 responses

  1. I love your lists.

    4. Shaun agrees with Dana on the naming of colors. Why not just call them what they are, he says. In his case, it is somewhat complicated by a very mild case of colorblindness (which he does NOT admit to), so he can’t always distinguish greens from browns. To this day, he doesn’t believe that particular pair of pants were olive green!

    5. My high school prom dress was periwinkle blue. I enjoyed being the oddball in the sea of pink, black and white.

    10. Emma has also recently started up on the “chill” thing, too. Usually accompanied by an outstretched arm, hand up in “stop” position, and face turned away.

  2. A friend is having her daughter do the same thing with potty training. She will wear her lovely new panties but will not go pee in the toilet. She is getting better though. Her daughter is being held back from moving to a different preschool group because she isn’t potty trained. The fact that her friends are getting to go the the other group seems to be working. Well that and Smarties.

  3. I can’t stop laughing. I love lists, especially humorous ones. ;o) And at the risk of being put on the bad list, I side with Dana over color names. If it’s yellow, call it yellow. I’m not well-traveled and haven’t a clue what a western, oceanside, shaded by mountaintops sunset looks like. Yellow with some orange and a few odd streaks of blue, I get. lol.

    As for Lil’ Miss AG and her panties, she’ll get it when she gets it. Maybe she digs ruffles and frills more than Elmo. One of my dds wanted “ruffle butts” all the freakin’ time. I can remember my mother buying plain white panties and several yards of ruffled eyelet, spending time sewing ruffles on those puppies so the kid would keep her pants dry. Personally, I think she went overboard but it was the first gk and there was no stopping her. And no, my sewing skills weren’t up to miles of ruffles on a knit. Bad mama, I know.

    Maybe we should band together and send AG prizes by mail for staying dry?

  4. Life around your house is must be a laff riot! :)

    I feel for Dana tho, I find periwinkle one of the least consistent colors in the spectrum, it’s kinda different depending on where you look.

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