
What’s happening at our house?

1.  Anna Grace was fine yesterday morning.  We went to therapy and playgroup.  On the way home she gets really fussy.  By the time we arrived home she had a fever and was feeling puny.

2. Anna Grace improved after her nap and I went to knitting.  Dana proceeds to call me with not-so-great updates about AG.  I decide while at knitting that a) child is really sick and b) sleeve for Telemark needs to be frogged.

3. AG up all night.  Couldn’t get her fever down below 102.  Fever of 104.9 this morning.  I cast on for Forest Path Stole.  AG makes doing seedstitch in laceweight yarn a maddening experience.  Okay, it is probably a maddening experience anyway.  Having toddler hands assisting you just sends it over the edge.

4. AG has the flu.  Not the "I think she has the flu".  Not the "well she might have the flu".  She has the "Oh-my-word-run-for-your-lives-the-test-came-back-positive" flu.  Or maybe you’d prefer this version….

Roses are red
The test turned  blue
Run for your lives
She’s got the flu

Atleast that was the general reaction at the pediatrician’s office

Maybe I should just make her walk through town yelling "unclean, unclean".

5.  Dana has had a flu shot.  I haven’t.

6.  The whole family starts Tamiflu today.  The prescription is at the pharmacy.  Dana will pick it up on his way home.  So I sit here, contaminated, waiting for "the miracle pills".

7. Headache and chills started 30 minutes ago for me.  Is that handwriting on the wall that I see?

8. We’re now quarantined to the house.  This means no therapy tomorrow.  So, for those keeping track this will make 10 sessions of speech and 10 sessions of OT that we have had to miss since November. 

9.  I wasn’t able to convince anyone that AG should just skip being evaluated by the school system so we’re trudging forward.  Evaluation is set for Wednesday.  I’m so looking forward to seeing how she does on an evaluation right after getting over the "run-for-you-lives-she’s-got-the-flu" flu.

10.  I refuse to go lay down.  If I lay down it will be like admiting that it is actually true.  We actually have the flu.  We actually have one more illness packed into this one year.  That’s right people, tomorrow is ONE YEAR since I moved here.  How many days have we been ill since arriving?  A bazillion.

4 responses

  1. Oh my. At least you made it to knitting last night. Oh wait. You made it to knitting LAST NIGHT! At least I’ve had my flu shot. Even if you get the flu, take the drug. It does help.

    Flu + Lace Entrelac = disaster. Find something in stockinette for the duration.

  2. Oh, that poor kid! And since I have 4 kids, I know enough to say, POOR MOM!

    We’ve had something nasty going around, not the flu and still disgustingly nasty. Can’t imagine what the real thing would do to us.

    Get well soon, AG…stay well, Mom!

  3. The other half of jan-ill(or is is Jill-an? whatever, Jan and I are never far apart. lol) here chiming in to say GET WELL SOON! And Lorette is right: stockinette is as much a requirement of the flu as fluids and rest. But then again, I believe it was during a round of the flu that I learned to knit socks so I may just be full of it. lol.

  4. {{hugs}} (well thankfully from afar in this situation!) take care and just let it run it’s course! Get well soon and lets hope you won’t get it. my son had it in ’05 and I didn’t get it, so it’s possible…

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