May Day Update

What’s been happening around here? Not much but also a whole lot. I think we’ve had a bit of a spell where we allowed our lives to be overtaken by the Tyranny of the Urgent. I think this has taken up a lot of my brain space making it hard to just relax and focus on the fact that life is good. Life is very good.

It needs to be said. We are graciously and abundantly blessed.

So, what have we been up to? How about a list???

1. Anna Grace learned a new word at school the other day. I know she got it from school because I don’t know a single person who says this. I heard her saying it over and over to me, her dolls, etc. The word? Capiche. In other words…

Mommy, I don’t want hot dogs for dinner. Capiche?!!?

We’ve had a discussion. Maybe we nipped this in the bud before the child started saying Capiche, Y’all!

2. There’s been some tomato tendin’.


Itty Bitty Harvest

I have three tomato plants (1 cherry, 2 patio…oh and a jalapeno pepper plant too), in pots, and I’m doing my best to keep them going. I have staggered when they were planted in hopes that we can be well stocked on into the fall. In other words….I’m hopin’ my tomato-buyin’ days are comin’ to an end.

And no, this is not turnng into a gardening blog.

3. We started a new ad campaign for the shop when it comes to our Ravelry ads. I tried to post them here but they mess up my template. So how about I do a little linky-loo?







We’ve been havin’ a ball thinking of song titles and how we could change ’em up.

4. I have been doing some spinning. And, I am going to join my first spin-a-long (SAL). All of you who are snickering because I never completed any knit-a-long that I ever started can just hush up! This will be different. I mean it. Really. It will.

Anyway… The Spinner’s Central group (I think that’s the name of it. Oh…. this is a bad sign… I don’t even remember the name of the group where the SAL is being held!) has a montly SAL. There are three “themes’ for each month. One is a technique theme, one is a color theme and one is a content theme. The color theme for May is May flowers. So, that’s the one I’m going to do.

Now for a picture of the spinning. Some spinning that is not for the SAL. It is spinning that I need to finish so I can start the SAL. (I know… bad signs abound.)

Stop laughing!


Reds and pale yellows and light blues


5. It has been bright and sunshiney and wonderful. I’m enjoying all the sunshine…even when it is hotter than Hades outside. It. is. wonderful.

6. Anna Grace’s speech therapist has said that AG can go down to having therapy one day a week. She’s doing really well. As evidenced by the word capiche. Capiche?

7. We did a shop update and sent out the newsletter. We added some more Lorna’s Laces and also Noelle’s Noodles. I also stocked some new ShibuiKnits colors. Woo Hoo.

8. Mr. Creepyness is still flying around our back yard. And in other creepy news… Bob has not been seen since our little “discussion”.

9. I have been doing a little knitting here and there on some small projects. Yes… I’ve been bitten by the dishcloth bug. I like to knit them while we go back and forth to church. It’s a 35 minute drive… perfect for sneaking in a little knitting time.


Fiestaware colored dishclothes


This started out as a thing about how I needed more dishclothes and dish towels and why should I buy them if I can knit them and Oh look… they make kitchen cotten that matches my fiestaware. And the rest is history.

10. I have a very bad case of second sock syndrome and it is affecting all of the fiber arts around here. I need to get over it and get off it!

Well, that’s it. What’s goin’ on in your neck of the woods?

10 responses

  1. 1. Capiche just cracks me up. Just you wait till she’s 13.
    2. “The bleat goes on” cracks me up too.
    3. I can’t believe you have tomatoes already. Everything’s about a month behind here according to the farmers at the market.
    4. John and I were just talking about being blessed last night. We decided that on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the happiest we could think of, we were at least a 9.
    5. It’s not all that sunny here. It may have gotten to the high 50’s today.
    That’s all, I don’t have 6-10.

  2. For my graduation my Mom and Dad gave me a book on knitting two socks at one time on one circular needle. I’m seriously thinking about giving it a try in hopes that it will help me with SSS. Even if I don’t continue to use that, the book has some great patterns. Oh – and a $50 check to spend on yarn! A.G. cracks me up! Capiche!! Any chances on getting back together with Isobel?

  3. wow!! yea for AG! One day a week…what progress! Cute looking dishcloths. Love the ads. Owen’s meeting went pretty easily too. I have to say his artic is increasing with his dynavox! :)

  4. Great news about Anna Grace. :) I love your ads! Very cute and clever. And the dishcloths are great…I like the pattern on the blue one, and the color.

  5. I was on a dishcloth kick last year – I’ve got cones of cotton just waiting for me to knit up some more. And, I also have SSS – ya know, socks and dishcloths are so portable, I should get way more stuff done!

    Every time I get on Rav your ads just crack me up…

    Now I’ll be humming “Knitting on the Dock of the Bay”, all day today!

    Mmmmmm, ‘mater samwiches!

    Darla – Detroit

  6. My 3-year-old actually got “capice” from me. I have tendency, when I’m chastising him, to finish with, “Do you understand me?” Well, one day I told him “no” about something, and he turns around and says, “Mommy, you go to time out right now! Unnerstan’ me?” So, in a (futile) attempt to reduce the backtalk, I started tacking on “Capice?” instead. Like our new swear word, snickerdoodle, it just makes him laugh and helps reduce the attitude.

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