Let’s Play Listy List

1.  Basket auction = me basket case. That was not what I’d call “entertaining” and the “highlight of the school year”.

2.  School photos:  Pass or Fail.  Depends on your outlook.  :-S

Got AG’s school picture back.  You had to buy them before they were even taken.  Seeing as AG doesn’t like to sit and have her picture taken because she’s afraid that the flash will blind her eyes… she makes all sorts of weird faces for photos.  Getting a photo of her is a test of patience.  Year before last… I took 172 pictures and had 2 to choose from for our Christmas card.  Based on those odds, school photo day made me a tad nervous.

Well… the photos are here and she doesn’t have a real weird look on her face (we’ll count that as a positive) but she looks pained and terrified.  Dana and I are wondering if we should count our blessings or hedge our bets.

Do we… take what we’ve got or…. do we bet the house, turn these photos back in and let her do the retake on the 19th.   Knowing round 2 could be so. much. worse.

Jury is still out.

But I’m thinking I can live with pained and terrified.

3.  Went to a networking meeting the other day and realized that at the ripe ol’ age of 42, I still have no idea how to dress myself.  Stressed about the whole thing and when I arrived, realized I was one of the few people in the room who was not wearing jeans and a tshirt.  Sheesh… I know how to do that!

In the middle of my frantic freak out, AG came in the bathroom while I was putting my make up on.  She looked right at me and said “Mommy, you’re beautiful”.  I needed that right then.  AG then went on to add “you have a beautiful, great big head”.  As the alzheimers sets in, I’m hopeful that I’ll forget that last part and just remember that the kid told me I was beautiful!

4.  Women’s breakfast is tomorrow.  Spent all week attempting to write up the teaching portion.  Had writer’s block bad.  Realized this morning that I was attempting to write it up in a means and a style that wasn’t my own.  Sat down and just typed out the outline, filled it in and I was done.   Why didn’t I try that earlier this week?  Once again… second guessing myself, my natural instincts, etc… FAIL!

5.  You never really know who reads your blog until you open up a big ol’ can of worms!  Thankfully, everyone has been kind and supportive.  I did have a wonderful time last night and I did not let this interaction color my experience.  I did, however, allow it to light a fire in me and speak up.

6. The sweater that never grows is now a whopping 4.25 inches long.  At this rate, I’ll finish it sometime in the next 10 years.  Small gauge yarn + small needles = slow goin’.

7.  Anna Grace is the math whiz her mother is not.  I like reading and history and literature.  AG wants to know all the ways you can add numbers together to make… say… 81.  This, as you can imagine, can go on for hours.  And is not my idea of a good time. Momma has had to say words she never thought would come out of her mouth, i.e. “no more math problems for the rest of the day”.  I now have her pretty well trained to torture dad with all her math questions, thoughts, ideas because… ya know… he’s the dude that got a “spare” math degree for giggles and grins.

8.  Found out I’m anemic.  This could explain why I have suddenly changed from “night owl” to “can’t stay awake past 8 at night”.

9.  The running is slow going.  Really got slowed down this week.  See “anemic” above.  Hoping this will begin to resolve soon.

10.  Nutella…. newest fascination.

3 responses

  1. I love Nutella. :) Seriously, great post and some very cool insights. Thanks.

    P.S. Just wanted to let you know that there is someone out here reading who deliberately did not comment on your “big ‘ol can of worms.” Just because.

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