Last Day of Retirement

You may have noticed on the “about us” section of the yarn shop site that I am listed as an “inadvertently retired nurse practitioner”.  Well, life being what it is, things change.   After Dana’s layoff, I got a great opportunity…. I could meet the legal requirements in Florida to return to seeing patients but be able to work for myself.

I start tomorrow.

None of this affects the shop.  I will be doing pediatric housecalls in the early morning and then get back home before lunch….and be able to spend the day with Anna Grace.  So, I have the best of all worlds.  I get to keep the shop, I get to spend the day with my daughter, I get to make my own schedule, I get to go back to being an NP (which I loved) and I get to provide some needed income for our family.

Things have been a little weird since Dana lost his job but we have savings and things seem to work out juuuust right every month.  We are really blessed by that and know exactly where are blessings come from.

Dana is continuing to try to build his business and now that he has me up and running, he’ll be able to focus on that a lot more.  I am able to do three things I love: be a nurse practitioner, be a yarn shop owner and spend time with Anna Grace.  Yep…money gets tight but we have never gone without and I don’t believe we ever will.

So…today was my last day of retirement.  I am excited about going back to work but nervous too.  I know all things will work out just fine….but I’m nervous none the less.  I’ve dreamed of starting my own housecall practice for many years and I now have that opportunity.  Yep, Dana had to lose his job for us to make it to this point…to get us to think this far out of the box….but we still have a great life.

Life is happy.

Life is weird.

But life is still weirdly happy.

12 responses

  1. Good for you!!! Glad you were able to find something that gives you flexible hours and lets you continue with both the shop and AG.

  2. Congratulations! That really is the best of all worlds. It may be a cliche – but when God closes a door . . . Hope this means we’ll still be able to meet on Friday! If you need to make adjustments, just let us know. We’re flexible.

  3. I’m so behind in my blog reading but CONGRATS KRIS! Hope it’s a complete success – it’s kinda nice to have a dream come true! Best of luck!

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