House of the Sickies

Dana was hacking with some jungle rot form of cooties and now Anna Grace is doing it.  I think I may be doomed.  Poor Anna Grace is trying to play with toys, etc but then she just gives up and just lays on the floor.  Looks a bit pitiful.  I’m glad she waited until after Christmas to develop a healthy case of the creepin’ crud.

Anna Grace sang in church on Sunday which was a huge deal for us.  I just never imagined that she would be ready for that when she became old enough to participate.  She got a bit lost because she saw daddy and got distracted.  As a result she wasn’t with her group during the song.   Instead she was in the middle of the "stage" area and hamming it up a bit.  She even turned to sing right to her dad.

Before going to church we got some pictures of her in her Christmas dress.  I was so proud of myself…. I got this entire outfit at a local consignment shop for 8 bucks.  Gymboree velvet dress and ensemble for 8 bucks…..SNAP!  I snatched that up as quick as I could.




In other news….. brace yourselves….. we got an offer on our house last night.  Those people who thought the house was entirely too big.  Made an offer.  On the day after Christmas.  I’m a bit floored.  It isn’t contingent (HALLELUJAH!) and we’re just negotiating on price. 

Oh…. they want to close in 2 weeks.  So if this goes through we’re all gonna high tail it to the land of rain and fog.  Also known as the land of coffee and mountains (and that big one better come out and see me while I’m there!) and knitting buddies and friends to visit with and and and……you get the idea.

Now, back to that contest thingie.

Y’all know your 1950’s not-that-famous actors!  Dana Andrews is correct.  The funny thing is that for years I would have to stop and think before I could tell you Dana’s middle name.  It isn’t Andrew but I always have to think about it for a second or two before I can answer.

So who won?  So many folks had it right that I decided to give out 2 prizes.  One to the person who gave the first correct answer and that was…..Susie. (Everybody go and say Hi!)

Then I decided to put the other correct responses together and select one (using that ol’ random number generator thingamajig).  And the winner is…..Linda. (Go say Hi to her too!).

They each win some OnLine Supersocke.  I’ve sent y’all emails asking for addresses and such.  Get in touch!

Now for today’s contest….

We’ll do the same format.  One prize to the first correct response, one to a randomly selected correct response.  If nobody gets it right then we just draw from all the folks that gave it a shot.  Leave your response in the comments.

Ok…. are you sitting down?  Think of what you are sitting on.  Your bum, tushie, etc.  Think of CLEAN slang words for that portion of your body.  Note the word CLEAN.

Dana grew up in a town in southern Minnesota.  A town just 3 or 4 miles from the Iowa border.  A small town that isn’t listed on many maps and many internet listings of Minnesota towns don’t even bother to include it.   The town’s name, while spelled a smidge different, is also a slang term for your posterior.  And it isn’t any of the little slang terms that I’ve used in this post.  So…. what is the name of the town?  If you’re going searching for a map, you’ll need a detailed one.  The town only has a population of about 500 (and I think Dana’s related in one way or another to about all of ’em!).

Put your answers in the comments.  Giving away more SuperSocke today.   Contests will continue into next week although he-who-is-getting-older does the number flipping on Saturday.  The real problem is that he just gets younger looking.  While I seem to be aging by the millisecond.  So. Not. Fair.

Must go.  Post your anwers in the comments.  Toodles!

26 responses

  1. Phooey – I thought I was first – that’s why I just typed it and hit enter.

    Love the photos – Anna Grace looks beautiful.

  2. Kiester – looks like I searched my road atlas for nothing – by the time I found it, found the magnifying glass, etc, everyone else had found it too.

    So glad Anna Grace got to sing at church. When my older sister was singing in some school pageant when I was little, and they were singing the finale “So long, it’s been good to know you” and all waved. I thought she was waving at me and stood up and yelled “hi” to her and waved. I am still embarrassed about it. But Anna Grace singing to her Daddy is wonderful. If my sister HAD been waving to me it would have been wonderful.

  3. 1. Kiester!

    2. Hope everyone feels better soon.

    3. That dress is a major score and hamming it up sounds pretty cute.

    4. Congrats on the house!

    5. Sorry, I’m thinking in lists today.

  4. See, I got beat out again, and I wouldn’t have thought of Kiester. I figured that if there was a Butte, Montana, that maybe there was another Butte around. Oh well. Here’s keeping the fingers crossed regarding the house! That’s always a tough thing, for sure, having gone through the process a year ago (we moved into our house a year ago yesterday).

  5. I know this isn’t the town name, but my fave euphimism is wahzoo – as in “out the wahzoo”.
    BTW y’all sure do have a good lookin kid.

  6. Yep it’s Kiester.

    I have a friend who lives in MN and travels to Iowa and well we laugh about this often. LOL

    But it is a nice place to raise a family that’s for sure.

  7. Well I guess it must be Kiester 😉 but I didn’t know that was a slang word for ones posterior! Living in France I would have said Derriere!

    Bon anniversaire

  8. That’s an awesome Christmas outfit. What a score. I love consignment shops.

    First bum word that came to mind was Tuckus. Now I have that in my head – how odd…

    So excited to be a winner – that was fun :)

  9. Had to look it up myself, but is it Kiester? Hubby says that we are about an hour and a half east of there in Northeast Iowa! Learn something every day, right?! Happy Birthday to Dana!

  10. Awesome, I actually won something! Thanks for holding that little contest. I think I’m going to have to guess what everyone else is saying for the town thing – Kiester!

  11. Okay, I just spent 20 minutes looking up town names and I could have just looked at the comments (but that would have been cheating). Kiester, MN. Looking forward to seeing you again. Starbucks isn’t the same without you. Anna Grace looked darling in her Christmas dress. Hope you feel better soon.

  12. I sat with my road atlas that I just bought it at the library’s used book sale and so was thrilled to find the answer by myself with the help of a good magnifying glass.

    I hope you all feel better soon – certainly before the birthday boy’s big day.

    Oh, and the answer is Kiester. How funny.

  13. I’m late to the game. I’m figuring you’ll decide to give a prize for the last to enter.

    I hope you’re all feeling much better by now, no longer knocked on your Kiester (oh wait, that’s the answer!)

  14. Keister :-)

    ANd dani up there in the comments….. it’s not pronounced BUTT, Montana, it’s BUTTE (say a long U and it’s a silent E). But if you have even been to Butte….it IS the Butt of Montana 😉

    Anna Grace looks beautiful in her Christmas dress! Awesome score Mom!

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