
I’m a pretty talkative person.  I’m social and love to chat and such.  But there comes a point, a point when someone has been talking “at me” non-stop, that I just need SILENCE!!!  I have these moments around my MIL and, not surprisingly, when I’m around Momma Wannabe.  In recent months, however, I am having these moments more frequently….with Anna Grace.

I’m usually able to just keep up, not get flustered, etc.  But with the move and everything, having a hundred questions flung toward you at rapid speed just makes ya tired.

Today we went back to the other house to clean.  Last day of cleaning…and there was a lot of cleaning.  Anna Grace was over it and I sympathize with that but she had decided that she didn’t want to watch movies, she didn’t want to play, she just wanted to ask me questions.  Usually the same questions…over and over and over again.

I found myself getting testy.  Okay…really testy.  And it just occurred to me:  Anna Grace is old enough to talk to, to reason with.  I’ll just apologize for being testy and tell her I just need a few minutes of quiet to finish what I’m working on.  I’ll let her know how much I love spending time with her but if we can be quiet for just a few minutes, I can finish up quicker and we can go have some fun.

So…we have the conversation.  I ask if we could both spend a few minutes just not talking.  She agreed, she was really great about it.  I turned around and started cleaning again…pretty proud of myself…. and then SMACK….Anna Grace decided that she had some questions:

Why do you want it quiet?

Why did you ask me not to talk?

Do you know it’s rude to ask me not to talk?

When do you want to talk again?

Are we ready to talk again?

How much longer is there no talking?

Can I talk on the way home?

Can I talk to my doll?

Why are you cleaning the oven?

Are you going to mop in there?

Can I talk while you mop in there?

Why can’t I help you paint?  I promise not to talk?

Why’d you tell me not to talk?

And then suddenly…..POOF….my head exploded.

The end.

11 responses

  1. I know its not funny. The from your end its probably frustrating and annoying and hard to handle. But, is it wrong that your post made me giggle? After all, isn’t all that talking just what those years of speech therapy were all about? :)

  2. What’s that up in the air? Is it a bird? is it a plane?
    No! It’s a head spinning outta’ control…. You’re too funny, yet soooo real!

    Where are those earbuds when you need them? Too many ????

    Hope your day is better!

  3. ROTFL!!!! OMG only another parent with an inquisitive child understands this!! I have two so I SOOO get it! I’m not a morning person but each kid on the way to school always has a ton of questions! It used to be #1 Son, but he’s grown past that stage a bit and is usually tired on the way to school. Now it’s Baby Girl’s turn. I guess it’s good that they are thinking but after awhile, POOF goes the head! LOL That’s usually when I say I need it because I need it and that’s all you need to know (this usually comes out before the head explodes).

  4. I can relate: I had my now three year old in speech therapy for almost a year. I was a wreck over his language development and what it might or might not mean. Now I have moments where it’s “For the love for all that is holy, please be quiet for just a minute. Just one!”

  5. Hope things quiet down for you! I cannot say that I know what you’re going through yet but I feel at times like my head will pop off when Bella pitches her fits. :0)

  6. Oh, Kris! I can understand although not totally identify. With my son our joke was always that you had to go poke him every once in a while to make sure he was still alive. He was always the strong, silent type – still is! You have to admit though – it’s great blog fodder!

  7. Oh my! I am apologizing in advance for laughing, but I totally get what you are going through. I had the same experience yesterday with my 13 yr old! You would definitely think that I could reason with him, but no. I think something is in the air…

  8. LOL!! Just too funny!!

    When I was a little girl…maybe 4…there was a repairman working at the house for a few days. After the second day…he asked my mom, “Was she vaccinated with a phonograph needle?”

    There are some day that I wish my kids would talk to me…it’s usually like pulling teeth to have a conversation at the dinner table…guess that goes with the territory when you’ve got teenage boys!

  9. I’m right there with you. I sometimes look at my kids and say, “I had four of you so you could talk to EACH OTHER”. They just say, “Mommy…Mommy…Mommy” ALL THE TIME. Even if their Daddy is right there. It makes me BATTY.
    One of our ladies from church has a daughter who will just look at HER daughter and say, “V, I’ve heard all the words I can hear from you today.” And the best part is her daughter is old enough tot understand that and to go somewhere else for a while, LOL.

  10. When my sister and I were young, my sister was doing the “mommy, mommy, mommy” thing in the grocery store one night after my mom got off work and my mom finally turned to her and said “stop calling me mommy, that’s not my name”. My sister waited a minute, pulled on the bottom of my mom’s shirt and said “Sam….” (my mother’s name was Dianne) and everyone in line started laughing.

  11. My head explodes like that every time John’s grandchildren are here. Good God, I don’t know how moms do it day in and day out.

    Maybe some of those noise-canceling headphones??

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