Culinary Adventures

What have I been doing this week?  How about a list!

1.  Reading more about organic gardening and a whole foods diet.  Listening to the book In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. Really like it but the guy who reads it sounds like the same dude that does the voice overs for The Haunted Mansion.  Just sayin’.


Whole Wheat Bread

2.  Made 2 loaves of whole wheat bread with no preservatives, no additives, whole grains, etc.  Unfortunately, they were a smidge dry but we enjoyed them anyway.


Strawberry Jam


3. Went to the produce market and they had a great deal on strawberries.  I got 6 pints and made a big batch of strawberry jam.  In an attempt to decrease our sugar intake, I made this with stevia.  I just used the no sugar needed pectin box but instead of adding splenda, I added stevia.  It turned out pretty good.  Anna Grace is a huge fan.


Wheat Berries Sprouting


4.  I seem to have finally learned how to do this sprouting thing.  I have even made an attempt at goin’ to the next level… wheat berries.  I don’t intend, however, to do the whole wheat grass thing.  Not into drinking green juice things that taste like dirt.  But that’s just me.


Salad, Broccoli and Alfalfa Sprouts

5.  My sprouting efforts were more successful and less troublesome this week.   I “harvested” the sprouts this afternoon and we will have them tonight with a little bit of tomato and see what everybody thinks.


Pulverized Wheat Berries

6.  One thing I have learned recently is that you can make bread, in your crockpot, using  only sprouted wheat berries.  You just pulverize them, make ’em into a ball and then put ’em in the crockpot (sitting inside a pyrex bowl).


Ground Up Wheat Berries


Technically I should have a much larger ball of wheat berries but I just wanted to give the whole idea a try.  So, this is currently sitting inside one of my crockpots.  I’ll let ya know how it turns out.

7.  Dana has decided to just start his own business.  So, he has spent the past few weeks working toward that endeavor.  We have learned via this job search that the more experience you have, the less likely you are to get a job.   He has been told now several times that he is “over qualified”.    Might as well put all those “over qualifications” to work developing your own company!

8.  I have been doing a little spinning.  Enjoying spending a some quality time with Lucy the Lendrum.

9.  I tried, briefly, to convince Dana that we should get a dairy cow.  That was a “no go” as far as he was concerned.


Absinthe in Progress


10.  I have been working on the Absinthe socks and I’m almost done with the foot chart.  That means I’ll then have to put on my thinking cap and make my way through the Ravelry thread that discusses the upcoming error in the pattern.  The designer didn’t make the error but apparently Knitty did when publishing the pattern.  I’m dreading this part.  It may be perfectly clear in the Ravelry thread but I’m dreading this part.  We’ll see how it goes.

That’s all that I know.  What’s goin’ on in your world?

4 responses

  1. Wow I am confused by the crockpot+wheat berries = bread thing, but it looks absolutely awesome. My husband has received the same feed back of overqualification. Hopefully he figures his plans out soon, though because I can’t handle the moping and deciding to take a roadtrip around the US stuff anymore.

    Good luck chica! And I love those sox

  2. I’ve heard several people comment that the book was good, but the audio reading was a little hard to take. For the past year I’ve been grinding my own wheat. Still looking for the perfect wheat bread recipe, but Abby sent me one that she says is great. Good for Dana! He certainly has a good model in his wife. What kind of business will it be?

  3. Who’da thought that one day being overqualified would be a BAD thing?? My guy gets the same response a LOT! We’ve been waiting on 3 different contract jobs and have yet to hear anything.

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