
Three years ago today I started this little bloggy thing. Since that time we moved across the country and back, watched Anna Grace overcome apraxia, did a lot of knitting, and opened a yarn shop.

No wonder I’m so tired.

In other news…..
Anna Grace had an evaluation today and, from my standpoint, it didn’t go well. I think it was an inaccurate view of Anna Grace’s progress. I think the eval was handled very poorly and then the therapist tried to tell me that AG had regressed in language. But.. Anna Grace has been surging in language. I’m very frustrated.

I think I need to talk to her therapist about it but, in all honesty, right now I’d probably just start yelling. I need to calm down first and I see no signs of that occurring any time soon.

I’m so upset. I am defending Anna Grace and, thus, being labeled as the mom in denial. I wanted an accurate evaluation so that I could make necessary decisions regarding how we proceed. In some ways her language is at or above age level. But now I have people telling me that she is regressing when I see her blossoming.

I miss being able to talk openly with Anna Grace’s therapists. I try my best here but I don’t feel that I am heard. And I honestly don’t think that would change if I were to move to a different therapist.

Ignore me, my rambling, etc. I’m just upset. Bad day. Big, bad day.

9 responses

  1. Well, sweetie, you have the right to be upset. You’re the one who knows your daughter the best, and even if they are professionals, you are a professional mom where AG is concerned. Do something nice for yourself, take a break, then tackle them again when you’re more relaxed.

    And happy blogiversary!

  2. Happy blogiversary. And try not to let the therapist’s evaluation get you down – you’re with Anna Grace daily and have a much better sense of where she stands than someone who sees her for evaluations. I’ve seen other mothers get frustrated when doctors told them their children weren’t “where they should be” or “progressing as we’d like.”

  3. Well look at it this way. Once you calm down you can talk to the therapist and discuss why they think what they do. I am sure this is frustrating for you, but you obviously care about Anna Grace so in the end things are going to work out. You are amazing.
    Happy Blog-Birthday!

  4. First, Happy Blogiversary! WHOO! I’m sure glad you’re here.
    Secondly, I got labeled as non-compliant in a portion of PT. (erm how can you be non-compliant when you’re told just do it as much as you can – and you do) It took everything I had not to call her a butt munch and where to stick said report (especially because it caused some problems with worker’s comp). However, after a few days, I solved it by writing a letter stating why I believed her evaluation of that was wrong – with supporting documentation. I had the evidence to back up my claim and her portion was thrown out. You can do something similar and ask for a re-evaluation.
    Bad days are allowed. It’s refreshing to see someone else who just lets it fly on their blog. Life is not all sweetness and light and sometimes we need to vent. Especially when we don’t want to take it out on those we love.
    It will get better – at least that’s what I keep saying.

  5. How frustrating. I believe there are times when therapists don’t understand how to be tactful. Who is to say that a child must be at a certain point at a certain age. We are all different and attain goals at different times. If it takes some of us a little longer, then who cares, as long as we are providing our children with the help they need to achieve their goals. Don’t feel disheartened. Remember you are doing everything you can to give Anna Grace the best chance in life and this is only the opinion of one therapist.

    My daughter, also an Anna who is 5, has been slower in language development and speech clarity than her older brother. We don’t have concerns because we work with her all the time but others seem to think there is a problem – the school doesn’t :).

    Yesterday I was very lucky to attend a workshop at my children’s school called Support a Talker. You can find more info here It was absolutely fascinating. First we were told about language development and the different goals children meet to become good communicators. Then we were shown activities that we can do with the children to help improve their language. It was developed my our education departments speech pathologists and all the games and info come in a box. All we have to do it implement it with the children. I immediately put my name down as a volunteer. Helping at school has given me a goal since I put my career on hold for the children.

    Now all you have to do is find some pretty yarn and make something beautiful and remember the important things in life love and family.

  6. well I will start by saying i am delighted you are here and that I had any part in it just tickles me to no end. i also know what you are feeling about AG. Sometimes it is like beating your head against a wall. and I am so sorry you are at one of those points. Lorette is right. You are the expert on AG. Take some time to calm down than set the buttheads straight.

  7. I’m so sorry you had a bad day. I’m sure your have a much better sense of your own daughter’s progress than anyone else! You’ve received some good advice here. Try talking with the therapist when you feel better.

  8. First of all, Happy Blogiversary!!! Many more happy blog years to come!!

    Second, I will not say that I understand all that you are going through (having only furchildren, I look at things in a totally different way), but I do feel your frustration in your words. All I can tell ya is, I got your back, babe – if ya ever need someone to punch somebody out (with words or otherwise) – that’s what friends are for, right!!! Seriously, you are in my prayers; things will work out for the best. Take a breather and have a wonderful Easter holiday with AG and D – Darla-Detroit

  9. Happy Belated Blog Day!

    I agree with Stacey. Once you’re feeling better, I think you should appeal and/or go over that person’s head. You see your daughter every day and know how she is doing. Someone who spends 20 minutes with her is just not going to see her completely due to that time limit. *hugs*

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