Remember that thing from when we were kids?
One of these things is not like the others
One of these things doesn’t belong (or something like that)
Let’s play again, shall we? Just for old times sake.
1. It is May 12th.
2. It is 48 degrees outside
3. My fingernails are a pretty purply color because my hands are so cold
4. The weatherman used a four-letter word today…. snow. (Higher elevations only but snow none the less)
Answer: May 12th since #’s 2, 3, and 4 would certainly only occur in WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately all four statements are a true description of today. It’s cold. I’m freezing. And I did hear the word snow used in a sentence while watching the weather.
Earlier this week we were chatting with our neighbors when they told us a local antidote/saying.
"Washington has two seasons: August and the rest of the year."
This does not bode well for me adjusting to the weather. I am finally starting to accept that it is cold and rainy about 9.5 to 10 months out of the year. July and August are the only nice months per the neighbors. I surely thought by now it would have warmed up. I was wrong.
Some days have been warmer. Wednesday was beautiful. AG and I spent most of the day outside. But that was Wednesday. Today my hands are freezing, my feet are frozen and its 48 degrees outside. Such is life!