Back in the good ol’ days…. there was this attraction at EPCOT that always gave me a laugh. It was in The Land pavillion and was all about nutrition. The theme song? Veggie, Veggie, Fruit, Fruit. (No… not kidding. I’m easily amused).
(veggies sung by bass voice, fruits sung by higher pitch voice). Everybody now…..
veggie veggie FRUIT FRUIT
veggie veggie FRUIT
For those of you who actually remember this and now have the song stuck in your head…. well…. annoying others is just one tiny service that I offer.
Why am I obsessing on this today? Well this little baby hat project (hats with a fruit or veggie theme) has me boppin’ around the knitting aisles of Ben Franklin to the rhythm of Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit. (Sad but true…. Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit was killed off in the 90’s and has been replaced by Food Rocks!. Basically the same show but no Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit song. *sniff*)
So today I did some yarn shopping. I have yarn for tomato hats, pumpkin hats and an eggplant hat. I even tossed in some blue yarn from the stash for possibly a blueberry hat? (OK, I may have gone overboard…. let’s not talk about it).
Here’s a picture of the new purchases. There’s some cotton Manos and also some Gems Pearl merino. Here’s a post shopping shot.
Those will be so cute! Fiber Trends has a really cute pattern for a blackberry (or raspberry) hat that I knit for Izzy.
Is that from Ben Franklins?