Reviewing the June To-Do list reveals that June was not very….er….. efficient or productive. The to-do list doesn’t appear to be completed. Let’s review.
1. Make Kitty Pi #2.
I realize I haven’t posted pictures but the knitting portion is finished. Now, I haven’t felted it yet so we can’t claim that item #1 can be checked off the list but at least we’re close on this one.
2. Begin Friday Harbor Socks.
Check! These were not only started but they were completed. Do I get bonus points for that? Ya know… extra credit?
3. Finish the body of Eris.
Total bust. I completed the never ending rows of stockinette stitch but haven’t begun the cabled hem portions.
4. Cast on and begin Amazing Lace project.
Check! I not only cast on and got started but I also ripped it out and cast on all over again. I’m now in the middle of the chart repeats and I’ve added so many design elements that I am in no way certain this thing will resemble leaves at all!
So, it appears that my grade for the month of June would be around 50 to 60%. Oh well.