Anna Grace has been in ballet this year and recently had her end of the year recital. This consisted of days and days and days of extra rehearsals (which, believe it or not, actually worked out well with having a baby in the family. Gave me a little bit of quiet around the house). And then there was the actual weekend which consisted of being at the theater for 2 full days, me volunteering to supervise a group of small children that aren’t too keen on being supervised (which, believe it or not, does NOT go well with having a new baby). All in all… it was a pretty great weekend.
I did the ugly cry for a bit. I actually got to stand in the wings and watch my daughter do things that her neurologist and therapists weren’t sure would ever be possible. I watched her remember her dance, keep up with her peers and enjoy herself. I saw her with her class and realize that in spite of everything…she’s the only kid in her little ballet class that knows how to sit still and follow instructions (and obey the adult!!!!). So… for everything that we went through…. that kid took the opportunity to kick apraxia’s butt and show it whose boss. Atta, Girl!
Anna Grace as an English Doll
English Dolls On Stage
More English Dolls
After the Show
Oh my goodness – how cute is she?! You’ve so much reason to be proud
Adorable!!! Yes those little divas want NOTHING to do with adult supervision. Last year I finally thru up my arms and let them do what they wanted. Told Mrs O because she was the only one they would listen to. Amazing how the little girl with *issues* is the one that can sit still and pay attention. That says alot abt her and her parents!!!