ABC Along…..
S is for Saturday Sky (the twofer portion of the post)
I waited a while yesterday to see if the weather would clear up at all. No such luck. This beauty was taken at 4:30 in the afternoon and withing 15 minutes of it being snapped it was completely dark outside. Lovely!
S is for Sticks, Pointy Sticks
S is for String
S is (of course) for Seminoles
Results of yesterday’s game? FSU 33, UVA 0. That’s more like it!
S is for Sock Knitting
This is the latest pair of socks in progress. I tried a fancy schmancy hemming techique that I learned from Lorette. It was a bit of a chore but I like the way it turned out.
Another sock shot….
S is for Swatch
This is my swatch for Telemark. I’m pretty consistent with doing swatches, occasionally I cheat. I tend to be right on gauge.
S is for Stranded Knitting
I’m loving my new skill and having a lot of fun with it. This is the inside of my swatch. Here’s the start of Telemark….
I cast on all 304 stitches (yuck!) and got started. The pattern starts off with 2 inches of bi-color ribbing. I’ve got about another inch to go. I’m using a size 5 addi turbo. Again, the photo isn’t color-accurate. The dark color is actually a charcoal grey.
This concludes the S portion of the ABC along and also our delayed Saturday Sky.
Isn’t that picot edge the bees knees? Fussy to do but so worth it! Gonna be a pretty sock!
Do you really like doing 2 socks at the same time? I HATE it!! It just seems each “row” is sooooo long!
Love the start of telemark, is entrelac next