I bailed (for now) on potential projects using that Sea Coast Panda. Pooling wasn’t working out. I’m going to use it for socks.
I am interested in starting the November Mystery Sock in the Sock Knitter’s Anonymous Group on Ravelry. I want to get the Flower Basket Shawl (FBS) going prior to casting on. And I need to track down where o’ where are my size 0 dpns or….. track down the needed size of 2 circular needles. This involves cleaning out my knitting bag…. so I’m procrastinating.
Started the FBS using the Misti Lace. Things were going well. I was almost to the last row on Chart #1…..and then I dropped a stitch which led to a great big unravel-a-thon.
And with that…… POOF….. my mojo completely disappeared.
To quote Scarlett….. tomorrow is another day.