Back in the Saddle

We’re getting settled in,  just a bit, slowly but surely.  The blog has been neglected and I keep saying I’m going to post, I’m going to just get started.  So….here goes nothin’.  To make this a bit easier…. how ’bout a little list?

What have we been up to?

1. Moved into a very, very, very small tee niny little place. 

2. This has the clausterphobia in full swing.

3. Rented a separate office where Dana works and I use for the yarn shop inventory and such.

4. Got a box of Yarntini for the shop and it sold so fast my head was spinning.

5. Re-ordered more Yarntini.

6. Did some spinning.  Yep…. got the spinning wheel in the tee niny temporary housing.  What’s your point?

7. Here’s a photo of some really bad spinning.


I bought this roving months back from an indie fiber type and it was a bit felted.  So…. I ran it through the drum carder, added in some merino (it was 100% Corriedale) and it softened it up a smidge.   But not much.  Spinning went ok to fair, plying was pure torture.

All done with that.

8. It has been hot but there’s only one day that I would refer to as "oppressive".  Besides that I’ve actually been quite comfortable.  Warm, breezy, etc.  But…. the little drought they had been having seems to have come to an end which seems to prove a point.  When I moved to Washington they had their worst wind storm in 10 gazillion years.  This was followed by 18 months of snow, floods, wind storms and basic "end times" weather events.  In other words… I am finally ready to admit that there is a strong possibility that the weather problems were all because of me.  Especially since Washington enjoyed several days of sunshine after I left the state.  Just sayin’.

9. Been knitting the Sun Ray Shawl.  You’re supposed to do 5 repeats.  I’m at 6.5 repeats.  Why? 5 looked too small.  So you know what this means don’t ya?  Kris is getting ready to finish one more project that will be big enough to clothe a linebacker.  At least I’m consistent.

10.  Been watching some FSU football.  It. Has. Been. Painful.

Now for a little story….

We’re staying in a teeny tiny place and there are all these rules for the complex.  Lots of rules.  Lots of signs with the rules listed.  Lots of threats as to what will happen if you break the rules.  What fun! So, we lived here just a few days when I got a little "love note" on my car instructing me to come to the "front office" immediately or face possible "suspension or expulsion".  I felt like I was 12.

So, as much as I would’ve rather eaten used cat litter… I went to the front office and was informed that although I was parked right in front of the sign for our parking space that I was parked illegally in the neighboring space.  After a few moments of confusion they clarified that if you are in your space that you are actually in the neighboring space .  (Yep….let that sink in for a minute.  If your brain rattles from that logic then you and I are in the same boat.) So, I decide to just nod politely, say nothing (because I knew I was going to have a tone to my voice so silence would be best) and just get out of there.  I was finally toward the door when the whole thing got just weird.

As I am getting ready to get out of there the manager says that they have had a report that my child "intentionally destroyed a duck egg".  Ya see, there’s this little pond.  The pond has ducks (but don’t feed ’em…there’s a note about this).  The ducks wander freely through this place and after we had lived here less than five minutes my beloved daughter ran through a field and I saw her heading toward this white thing.  I realized what it was and tried to stop her when SPLAT.  She ran right over the duck egg and it burst into a million juicy pieces.

So, back to the manager.  She informs me that she has been told that my daughter "intentionally destroyed" a duck egg.  I (as nicely as I could) told her that she didn’t intentionally smash the egg but that she was running toward the playground and the egg was lying in the grass.  And she ran over it.  The manager informs me that this is an intentional act and that if my daughter does it again she will have to "make restitution".

I (with a straight face) told the manager that Anna Grace is three.

Manager states it doesn’t matter how old she is but if she smashes another egg she will have to "make restitution".

I got out of there before what was going through my head came out of my mouth.

My thoughts?

I can’t get my child potty trained but if this lady thinks she can get Anna Grace to shoot a duck egg out her butt well….. go for it!

10 responses

  1. That skein looks lovely, not bad spinning at all. It’s original fiber art! I love the color.

    I’ve faved your site. Please stop by and see my fiber animals and fave me too!

  2. That’s exactly what I was thinking…what is “restitution” for a 3 year old? For her to lay a new egg? How ridiculous! How long do you have to stay there??

  3. Lordy. I’ll send you some. We have so many freaking ducks here that they’re a hazard. I’ll toss in some geese while I’m at it. Some of these people just have no sense. I wouldn’t have been nearly as polite as you were.

  4. I laughed so hard at your post! Hope you can sell your house and find a better place soon. We’ve been here in Orlando a few days and although it started out pretty hot, yesterday was rather pleasant (relatively speaking). But the rain!!!! Oh my gosh – I’ve never seen it rain so hard. So, where exactly are you in Orlando? We’re in Hunters Creek. If you want to get out of your teeny place and bring A.G. over for a playdate with Izzy, let us know. You just have to promise to leave the ducks alone.

  5. Hmm – Typepad seems to have eaten my first comment. I laughed so hard at your post! If you want to get out of your teeny place and bring A.G. over for a playdate with Izzy, let me know. We’re in Hunters Creek. She just has to promise to leave the ducks alone. The first few days we were in Orlando it was pretty hot, but yesterday was quite pleasant. But the rain!!! Oh my gosh – I don’t think I’ve every seen it rain that hard.

  6. Wow, the apartment manager sounds seriously anal. Perhaps she can pop an egg out of HER butt. The complex doesn’t sound client friendly at all — any chance you can move into another complex? Hugs to you all, and I hope a duck bites her.

  7. wow you are so much more calm than i would have been. In fact I am pretty sure I would have raised hell! I would have had my lease in hand w/ a highlighter going over what they “supposedly” told me and then I am pretty sure I would have told them to go where the sun don’t shine, but you … you are calm cool and collected. wow, just wow

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