Weekend in Review

How about a list….

1. We started (again) to go north and hike to Barclay Lake and also to make a stop at Wallace Falls State Park.  One thing led to another, it was getting late, the kiddo wasn’t fond of the idea of riding in the car, etc.  We bailed.

2.  Went to Nolte State Park so somebody could throw rocks.  She decided to do other things instead.


Like stick her feet in the water


And convince her dad to wade in the water with her.


And then hitch a ride with her dad when the water got colder than she would like.

3. I have decided that I am going to pursue moving the blog….slowly.  I am going to use Word Press and I hope to be moved in a matter of months.  Going to take my time.

4. I dyed yarn this weekend.  And I turned my fingers various shades of blue.  ( I know. Wear gloves. Meh!)



5. We seem to be having another little speech surge.  It is a small one but a fun one.  Someone seems to know all about when you should stop and go while driving, what each light means and she has become quite the backseat driver.  My favorite…. when you’re in traffic she starts yelling "beep beep".

6. A friend of mine from Florida (who is currently living in Alaska) was in Seattle this weekend so we met her and her husband for dinner.  We went up to Ballard (my first excursion to Ballard) and went to Ray’s Boathouse.


Meredith, AG and me.

Each time I think that I’m cold here in Washington I just remind myself of how cold I’d be if, like Meredith, I was living in Alaska.

7. Since we were in Ballard I decided it would be a great time to get a little task off my plate.   Dana is always mentioning going to the Ballard Locks and I have successfully avoided visiting the place.  But, in that way that husbands do, Dana keeps mentioning the place…. claiming he’s not pressuring or that he doesn’t "have to" see them, etc.

So, since we were driving right past the things I offered up that we should stop on our way home. 

Just as I had expected…. boats go in, boats go out, water comes up, water goes down.  What’s the big deal. 


Boat coming in


Parked boats


Neat old building


Lil Miss watching the boats


Art at the locks


Train track draw bridge


The dam

8. What I didn’t know was that there is a botanical garden at the locks.  Now if someone had mentioned that maybe I’d have been a little more cooperative about seeing this place.  Now, I think the term "botanical garden" may have been a stretch.  Small piece of land with some pretty flowers is a bit more accurate.





9. I am writing the pattern down for the skirt.  I found some sources for standard sizes for kids to help me with getting things figured out.  I should have that posted this week.

10. Monkey socks and Sun Ray Shawl are cruising along.

Well, that’s about it.  What did y’all do this weekend?


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