Anna Grace has been changing so much lately. Yes…. there’s the never ending growth spurt that just resulted in me having to buy her a completely new wardrobe. (For those of you not "in the know" my daughter is 2.5 years and she is the average height of a 3.5 to 4 year old.) But she’s also changing in the areas of fine motor skills, motor planning and SPEECH! Not just expressive speech but in her social skills, receptive speech, thought processes, etc. Here’s some recent examples…
1. Last week my daughter fibbed to me for the first time. I know I shoulda been heartbroken. Nope. Left the room and celebrated. It was over a timing issue. She wanted to watch Play with Me Sesame. While I was in the midst of turning it on I realized (via the green cloud that was surrounding her) that she may need a new diaper. I asked her and she started to answer but then paused. You could tell her wheels were turning. I asked her again and she said "No…. No no no". Wrong. She did need a new diaper. I’m 90 to 95% sure she knew what she was doing and was trying to avoid postponing her Ernie time.
2. She has started telling me what she has drawn. Last week she was coloring and pointed to her drawing and said dog. Now, I had to take her word for it that it was a dog. Today however she said circle (that’s right… my kid said "circle) and pointed to her drawing and it was clearly a circle.
3. She has learned the fine art of stall tactics. Time for a nap, lets get some milk. She waits until you’ve gone through that entire process, get her in the room, in the rocker and then asks for water instead. Start with water and you can replay this entire scenario where you’ll get a request for milk in the end.
4. She has figured out that she might get out of trouble or get out of doing a task she dislikes if she "turns on the cuteness". I’ve seen her attempting this with Dana (doesn’t work too well with me… I’m on to the scam) and her therapists.
To all those folks in the early days who tried to tell me she didn’t have much going on upstairs…. bite me.
We adopted our younger son at age 6. He had been terribly abused and was frightened of his own shadow. I remember his teacher calling me from school, very excited. “Guess what?”, she said. “Allen misbehaved in school today.” His teachers assured me this was a very positive milestone. I’m so sorry about your kitty. I know what a hole this leaves in your heart. Give Dana an extra hug from all of us.
hey, we can email privately, but she sounds a lot like my daughter when she was her age…very delayed speech…etc. of course later found out she was gifted…later it all added up.
I know exactly what you mean!!! So sorry about your cat…peace to you and your family Rainbow bridge was a great comfort to me!
I hear ya with the wardrobe issue. Both my kids are tall. Finding age appropriate clothes to fit my daughter — crap, what a nightmare! Yay, for AG and her developmental leaps — it’s so much fun watching them work out the best way to get what they want.
She has learned the fine art of stall tactics
My daughter is 3.25, and trust me, they don’t give up on these any time soon. They just become more elaborate! When we were trying to potty train her, her favorite way to keep from going to bed was “I have to go pee!” Of course, she never went, but if we didn’t let her go sit on the potty, there was the chance we’d delay the PT even further. I think she knew she had us caught in a vicious circle. 😉
Sorry to read about Spike. Hugs. Kris, I am so glad to read about AG’s progress. Such a funny and clever girl!