Well…. this is just so special I can’t stand it!
Typepad is down much of the day. They come back online but the comment thing is still messed up. I can see that I got some comments from Kathleen. I read them and then all of a sudden they vanished. Poof! Into thin air.
I’m starting to feel like this is the blogosphere’s version of The Twilight Zone.
As far as how responsive Typepad is to this little problem… well…. not much! They won’t answer questions and "Jen" keeps ending each reponse with "Please let us know if you have any questions". Uh? Yeah… like the ones I keep asking that no one answers…. I have THOSE questions.
I asked that I receive no more responses from "Jen". So, if my blog disappears into thin air and I’m never heard from again… well…. I took on I.T. and I.T. won.
This whole thing brings up all my conspiracy theories. If I was a bigger blog, if I was a thinner blog, if I was a prettier blog… THEN they’d fix it!
I need a plan. A good plan. A plan like this…..
Once a long time ago I was dumped in an ugly way. I was hurt. A bit miffed. OK… a lot miffed. Oh… and I had a key. I’m not confessing much but lets just say I MAY have used my key and I MAY have dialed a certain phone number (the time and information number) and that number MAY have been in HONG KONG and I MAY have then left the phone off the hook while still connected to HONG KONG and I MAY have known that said dirty, rotten creep would be out of town for TWO WEEKS. I MAY have. And I MAY feel bad….. or I MAY not. I blame youth. I was young. I am, of course, a much better person now….. MAYbe.
So… I need a plan. Or I could just sit here and fester in Typepad-Doesn’t-Care Land.