By March of 2005 my daughter had already made one serious attempt to climb out of her crib. I removed the bumper pads, toys, anything that could be used to give her a boost and seemed to have thwarted her efforts. In spite of that I asked my husband to order the new railing and hardware to her crib that moves it from a crib to a toddler bed. He agreed.
Over the next months I reminded him every now and then and he said he would get the pieces for the bed.
Fast forward to February 2006. Anna Grace is almost 2. I continue in my push for Dana to order the pieces for the crib and increase my intensity just a bit. He says he will. I remind him of Anna Grace’s age and the fact that we don’t have much time. She will figure out how to climb out of the crib any day now.
April 2006, Anna Grace begins to put her foot up on the railing of her crib as if she intends to climb. Thankfully she can’t really figure this out. I start to push Dana hard on the need to order the piece for the crib. I try to order the thing myself but can’t find where Dana put the paperwork on the crib. I look high and low and see if I can figure out the part number without having the paperwork. No luck. Start pushing Dana harder (without… of course… nagging. ‘Cause I would never nag… nope… not me).
Today arrives like any other day. The afternoon appears to be going well until a particular toddler decides she doesn’t want to take a nap. I let her be. I give her more milk. I go through my bag of tricks. Result: ticked off toddler who still won’t take her nap. I decide to just "let her be" a little bit more. Then I heard the most frightening noise. It was the sound of her bedroom door opening and closing. That rascal had figured out how to climb out of bed. I scolded her, put her back in bed (in order to make a point) and she hopped right back out. Back and forth, back and forth. Anna Grace does not seem to care that I am telling her not to do this.
So… guess what we don’t have in our possession. The parts for the crib. Dana is now sufficiently inspired to order the crib parts. He sits down at the computer and begins his search. Guess what? The crib manufacturer (Ragazzi) went out of business on May 1, 2006. Somebody (who shall remain nameless) is feeling a bit sheepish (and somebody else in this family is going to keep telling this story for the next 20 years!).
Get a tent for the crib. We had to do that for all of our children. First for Katie because she was a climber, then for Ben who is also a climber, and now it is on James crib. So far he is not a climber but the other two monkeys climb IN his crib.
really the thing is great! Because trust me, the older they are the easier it is to get them into a big girl/boy bed!
You might get someone in your family to search ebay since the company just went out of business.
I’m sorry AG doesn’t have the crib she needs but boy is this good ammo for AT LEAST 20 years…poor Dana
You might get someone in your family to search ebay since the company just went out of business.
I’m sorry AG doesn’t have the crib she needs but boy is this good ammo for AT LEAST 20 years…poor Dana
That stinks. Kevin would definately let something like that happen. ARGH!
What a story!…what a dilemma as well!
I’m so behind and what great posts to catch up on! Question- perhaps silly one-here goes: do you knit two socks at a time?
Oh dear. Well, it had to happen sometime. A mattress on the floor works well if you don’t want to leave her in the crib with the front rail down. And yeah, I was going to suggest Ebay for the parts, or maybe call stores that used to carry their merchandise?